Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not curious enough...

Ever wondered what expired V8 tastes like? Someone left a gigantic container of it on our free table at work. Justin, the generous soul he is, left it on my desk as a gift. He did warn me, however, that the expiration date was two years ago. Nasty.


Anonymous said...

it might not be drinkable anymore, but maybe you can use it as a chunky sauce for some pasta? don't be so wasteful.

Anonymous said...

You could always keep it around just in case you get sprayed by a friendly skunk. I know how you're always mistaking them for cats and trying to cuddle with them. I agree with Justin (first time ever). Don't be so wasteful.

Katherine said...

Does it ferment? Could you sell it as some sort of healthy alcoholic beverage? Skip the vodka in a Bloody Mary?